Cookies Policy

Privacy Settings

Through cookies, we use only those data that are necessary for the proper operation of the website, as well as information that helps us provide the maximum of services that only you have authorized us to do.


Why are they important?

The data you have authorized us to collect serves to improve your user experience and to provide you with even better service in relation to new releases, training programs and seminars, software and technology products that are of interest to you.



The lack of data (cookies) of this category affects the operation of the website to a great extent. Without them, functions such as your access to the website, your possible future online purchase or any kind of online payment are not possible.


Usability of the website & improvement of the User experience

These cookies store anonymous information related to the navigation of the users on the website with the sole purpose of improving the functionality of the website and the user experience.


Update on new releases and search services

They are used to select and display publications, seminars or other services exclusively of Orian SA tailored to the interests and preferences of the user.

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